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Pool Opening
Published: May 08, 2020
Carol Ann met with the City of Carrollton Environmental Services Department on Thursday, May 7, regarding the swimming pool opening.
At this time, the pool can only be open at 25% capacity. The posted capacity for our pool area is 52, which means no more than 13 people can be within the pool gates at one time (including infants and children).
We will be restricting the pool hours to 8 AM - 8 PM, starting Saturday, May 9.
We are going to have to trust our residents to self-monitor, because we do not have a lifeguard on duty. Please be courteous of your neighbors and limit your time at the pool to no more than 90 minutes per visit. If you get to the pool and you see it is at capacity, you will need to wait. It is restricted to household members only; no guests and no parties will be allowed. You will also still need to abide by the “social distancing rules”. If you are feeling ill or have a fever, do not go into the pool area. You may feel free to contact the City of Carrollton non-emergency # 972 466-3333, if you see there are violations.
The doors to the restrooms must now be accessed with your key fob, and the doors going to the Amenity Center are locked.
Also, our pool rules state there are no alcoholic beverages or glass containers allowed in the pool area. If you bring a cooler, it can only contain soft drinks, water, etc. in aluminum or plastic containers. You are also responsible for cleaning up after yourself.
Perhaps some of you could get together and decide on volunteering to be a monitor at different times of the day to make sure this all goes smoothly.
We will be monitoring via the camera system. If we see any of these rules are not being followed, or we see this is causing trouble between neighbors, we will shut the pool back down until we can be at full capacity without any restrictions.
We realize some of these restrictions may seem harsh, but we are all in a time that requires patience, understanding and compromise in order to ensure everyone’s health and safety. If these restrictions are violated, it could mean a hefty fine for the HOA.
Thank you for your cooperation.
The Shops at Prestonwood HOA