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Increase in Monthly Assessments

Published: December 19, 2017

Starting January 1, 2018

This is to inform you of the recent annual meeting vote that passed a 20% increase in your monthly assessments.

The Urban Townhomes (garage in rear) will be paying $230.40
The Manor Townhomes (garage in front) will be paying $280.80

If you are paying with a coupon your new coupon book will reflect the new amount and be mailed to you by the bank.
If you have auto deduct payment you will need to notify your bank with permission to deduct the new amount. You will not receive a payment book.
If you are auto deduct and bank with BB&T they will automatically change your amount to the new amount.
If you are a new resident in the past 60 days you will receive a coupon book in the mail from the bank.

If you have any questions please contact the office at 214-705-1615

Click here to download and read the new fees notice

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