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Trash Pick-Up

Published: December 09, 2016

Over the past few weeks we have received several garbage can complaints from several residents. Trash cans are to be stored out of public view. Placing your trash can next to the garage is not authorized. Trash can regulations are below. Trash cans must be put away to comply with both city and HOA regulations. Below is an excerpt from the City of Carrollton:

Residential trash collection services are provided on a weekly basis.

To determine your collection day, call the City at 972-466-4950 or visit the City's Essentials Map Viewer, click on the search bar in the top right hand corner, and type in your address.

Customers should make sure the lid on their green trash cart closes and carts are properly placed.

According to City Ordinance, residential waste must be placed at the location designated by the City (front or back curbside) no earlier than 6 p.m. of the evening before and no later than 6:30 a.m. of the collection day. Do not block or impede a street or alley right-of-way, water or gas meter, drainage ditch, or sight triangle at an intersection or sidewalk. Improperly placed or blocked waste will not be collected.

Containers must be removed from curbside no later than 9 a.m. the day following collection. Residents who do not remove containers after collection are violating City Ordinances. Please report suspected code violations to Community Services at 972-466-3060.

Trash cans not put away after Tuesday pick-up will receive violation notices. Violation notices are an expense for the HOA. When everyone does their part, this unnecessary expense can be avoided.

Shops at Prestonwood Homeowner Association prides itself in developing the sense of quality, graciousness, and beauty which the property affords.

It is the intention of the HOA Board to resolve all resident HOA violations in a friendly, amicable manner without the use of letter notifications by Legacy Southwest Property Management. Homeowners facing problems or challenges which present difficulties in enabling them to comply with the HOA rules are strongly encouraged to contact the Board to request assistance. Please remember that we are your neighbors and wish to help in any way we can. Our primary goal is to work together to assist in solving any problems which confront us as individuals and as a neighborhood community.

Board of Directors for Shops at Prestonwood Homeowners Association, Inc.

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